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Did you know showing gratitude can improve your overall happiness and wellbeing? Look, we get it: it’s easy to get caught up in our daily routines, so we often forget to slow down, appreciate what we have, and give thanks to others. You can change that with a gratitude jar (it’s a real thing, we swear). It’s an effective and fun way to provide yourself with a tangible reminder of the many things to be grateful for and to get closer to your roommates or family members. So, where do you start? The idea is simple.

Step 1:

Pay attention. Look around, keep an eye on your surroundings, and think about the things that you typically take for granted.

Step 2:

Every day, encourage your family members (and friends) to write down two things they’re grateful for and place them in a jar. Tip: Make a habit of it and keep the jar in a visible spot.

Step 3:

Maintain a happy heart and a satisfied belly. Pick one special day to open the jar (e.g. Thanksgiving, a birthday, or just an average Tuesday) and reflect on the wonderful moments that happened throughout the year over a delicious meal like our Rolled Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter what you write, because the simple act of recognizing something you value and treasure is enough to bring out happy feelings. So, what are you waiting for?